List 6 Inhalation,gargle,baths
List 6 (Inhalation, gargle, posterior washes and baths)
1. Hazel – Corylus avellana 2.Common chicory (blue sailors, succory, or coffeeweed) - Cichorium intybus 3.Yarrow (milfoil) - Achilea millefolium 4.Dog rose –
Put 3 spoons of each plant in a fabric bag of white cotton sheet and boil it for 1 minute in 4 litters of boiling water. Using a sheet put on your head, make inhalations for 10-12 minutes (in the morning and in the evening or just in the evening). Take one glass of tea and use it as a gargle for 6 times, daily. Moisten the painful parts of the body with tea for 15-20 times, daily. Make one posterior bath for 20 minutes, daily (remove the bag).
Keep the bag cold, and use it for 3 more days. Boil it for 1 minute and repeat all the procedures every time you use it. Change the plants with new ones, every 5 days.