List 15b Tea (for cancer)
Cutting the trunk
1. You must search a birch forest (preferable on the mountains or hills, not in a swampy region or in an infected area or with thermal water and also, not aside rivers). The birch must be tall, vertically right, with rich crown, the bark must be white, clean, perfectly smooth, not cracked (only with small cracks and without big cracks).
2. The circumference of the trunk must have the same size as the circumference of the patient head (usual 55-57 cm) measured around the eye level (it can be even with 1-3 cm thinner if the bark is perfect).
3. We cut a piece of trunk (near the soil, at 10-20 cm) 2 meters tall and we mark the upper ending for easy identification and we transport it very carefully as clean as possible. During the transportation it is recommended to cover the endings of the trunk with two wet pieces of material. The trunk can be cut in two equal pieces, but in this case, we must mark the pieces to know the order of it, and than we must cover in the same way the four endings of the trunk.
4. At home, we must put the trunk or the two pieces in vertical position with the thinnest ending (the upper one, the marked one) up and covered with a piece of material wet especially for the trunk cutted in two pieces. In this case we will start shucking the upper piece of the trunk. The thicker part of the trunk must be put in a clean bucket with 20% water (periodically we will add water cause the trunk is absorbing water)
5. The trunk must be kept in a clean place, unfreezable, without mould or extreme dryness,
6. We must start the shucking from the top to bottom (we start with the upper piece of trunk), going circular, contra clockwise, and when we finish a circle we go below.
7. The piece of bark used daily must be a rectangle the same size as the palm of the right hand of the patient, with fingers extended and kept together. We can make a pattern or a form from cardboard.
Tea preparation
1. In a 4 litters pot, we boil 3 litters of water together with 7 big spoon of wheat berry washed in 5-6 waters When it start boiling, we reduce the flame and the wheat berry is boiled on the bottom of the pot.
2. When the wheat berries are half boiled (when the first wheat berries are cracked) we shuck the birch using a stainless still pocket knife. With the shorter cutting of the knife we scrape the bark (5 band of 2-3 cm) and with the longest cutting we introduce the knife from upside between the wood and the brown bark detaching the shell. We put it on a plate.
3. Using the same knife we detach the cracked part of the bark, or the mouldy parts, or with dark brown zones. We must use for tea, only the clean bark, white together with the brown part of the bark (which is the most important) without any rusty or mouldy parts. We cut the bark in little pieces with our hands.
4. We put the bark in the pot boiling another 1,5-2 minutes (but no longer than 2 minutes). We stop the boiling and we cover the tea for 15 minutes.
5. Together with the birch bark, we boil the plants from List 3,4,12 , as following:
- If the patient has constipation we add List 3
- If the patient has diarrhea, we add List 4
- If the urine appears colored, or turbid we add List 12
- If the patient has consistent feces and the urine modified, we add List 3+ List 12
- If the feces and urine become normal the patient drinks only the birch and the wheat berry tea till the bark is finished.
6. The complete treatment last 3 birch trunk drinking the tea daily without interruption (as described). A 2 m tall trunk is enough for 40 days of treatment. For complete healing are necessary at least 40 or even 80 days of treatment (1-2 trunks).
7. If the patient has anemia we add yellow willow and red willow bark (7-10 square centimeters). The willow trunks must look as the birch trunk but their circumference must be lesser than the middle of the patient and bigger than his knee. The trunks must be kept in water, in vertical position with the thinner part up, and with the thicker part in water. The only one difference is that the shucking of the willow bark must be done from the bottom to top, circular, and when we finish a circle we go bellow. The willow shell pieces must be added together with the birch bark, or eventually with List 3, 4 or 12.
8. The total quantity of tea obtained (2,5l) must be consumed in 24 hours, approximately 100-150ml /hour.
9. If the patient has any injury, any lesion, we wash it with birch tea using approximately 0, 5 l from the drinking tea.
10. The tea must be boiled in the morning, and must be drunk with small swallows.
Do not use any tea left from precedent day.
1. It’s completely forbidden to drink water or any liquids during the birch shell treatment. One single glass of water annihilates the whole treatment and we must start the treatment all over again.
2. It is forbidden to eat cold food or to drink cold tea, the patient must be secured from viruses or coldness (these viruses can initiate the tumor invasion especially when the natural immunity of the organism is destroyed by the radio-or chemotherapy). The patient must be secured from radiation, operation or coldness.
3. The tea can be sugared with natural syrups: raspberry, cherry (Prunus cerasus), blackberry, Christmas-tree, lemon, bilberry.
The diabetics can use sugar substitute.