General healings
the completion of pages is in progress
Because the website was created in the memory of the monk Neamţu Mihail, who cured for free millions of people, it is prohibited to use any data registered on this website in a commercial purpose or to use those registered on this website for advertisement purposes, or for any other purpose than helping people in need for free, as well as their information on the free possibilities to spiritually and physically (biologically) cure through the methods of Divine inspiration given by "Uncle Michael"
(meaning the monk NEAMŢU MIHAIL, from Prilog (county SM)), methods verified in millions of cases, - the results speak. Also, we want people to have the possibility to use for their own good (from the point of view of their health) and for their fellows good the data registered on this website.
For the content and the accuracy of the mentions appeared on this website are responsible those who sign the respective writings (each answers for those signed by him or by her). So this website is and will be a free website, …in which concerns the access to the writings from the website; also, all rights reserved regarding the website, but also for his owner, and on the prayers or lists of Divine inspiration, etc.which were given for free, nobody can have any right, meaning that it belongs to everybody for free.
We would be glad for collaborators for the translation of the existent materials, in several languages (into any language) and the supply of various materials in different languages, for example teas, articles translated from here or prayers and materials approved by the Catholic Church or any other materials (representing the truth)
When we will have enough material in other languages (any language) than the languages existent on the website, we will introduce these too,
We thank you for visiting our website,
We wish you health and GOOD LORD and SAINT MOTHER and ARCHANGEL MICHAEL with all the Saint Archangels BLESS you ; with a lot of love, the website's owner.
You might contact us on e-mail, , for this website, all rights reserved by and for the owner of the website.